Using Seesaw
Signing into Seesaw
Sign in using an iPad
Sign in laptop/desktop
Switching Accounts
Add/edit photos on Seesaw
How to add and annotate a photo on Seesaw
How to add multiple photos to a Seesaw activity
Issues Using Seesaw
Work being deleted when your child changes pages
Some children have reported that work is being deleted when they change pages within an activity on Seesaw. To stop this from happening, please click "Save as Draft" at the top of the screen.
For more information, please watch this video, submitted by a parent, that illustrates the problem and the solution. Many thanks to the parent for giving permission for it to be shared on this site.
Password reset request
Many parents have been experiencing password reset requests when signing into Seesaw. Please do not reset your child's password!
To prevent this from happening, please click on this button at the top of the page. Many people have been mistaking this for a title bar. This will load a Google account sign in window. Please sign in using your child's google login details and you will not be prompted to change the password.