Using Google Classroom

Students can access Google Classroom on either a tablet or a laptop/computer.  

On a tablet, they will need to download the Google Classroom app and then sign in using their TTS email address and password:

If on a laptop or computer, Click Here and sign in using your TTS email address and password. 

Once signed in to Google Classroom, children can join their classes by using the class code supplied by their teacher.

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How to join your Class in Google Classroom

This video shows the two ways you can join your Class in Google Classroom. The first way is using a Class Code that will be supplied by your teacher. The second way involves the teacher inviting your child to join within Google Classroom. 

Please note: you will need to be logged into Google Classroom using your child's account.

Solutions for common tasks that children may be expected to accomplish whilst working from home in Google Classroom

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How to 'Hand In' work  set in Classroom 

This video explains how children hand in their learning in Google Classroom - usually in the form of a Slide or Doc.

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How to 'Hand In' additional files 

This  video explains how children can attach and hand in a file(s) to their assignment, such as photos/videos from the camera roll or work saved from a different app.