Computer Issues
This list is our best attempt to support all computer issues with one short checklist!
Step 1.
START WITH THE DEVICE - "Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?" - IT Crowd
The reason toggling the power (resetting/restarting) tends to fix electronic devices is it brings the device back to a “fresh state”. If a device or the internet seems to be "sluggish and slow" rebooting it will reset the memory and clear cache. It's honestly a good first step when troubleshooting electronics.
Tip: When powering off an iPad it's more than just putting it to sleep by turning the screen off.
Step 2.
NEXT CHECK YOUR INTERNET SPEED - Maybe it's your Internet Service Provider or your router?
Restart your router first. (See Step 1.) Unplug, wait 30 seconds then plug it back in and wait up to 3-5 minutes for it to reconnect. This may feel inconvienent in the moment but it's success rate is worth the hassle. Then there are a number of different speed checking websites to test the speed of your connection.
CAUTION: VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are great for accessing BBC content, not great for Zoom conferencess. Try disabling VPNs while troubleshooting)
Step 3.
KEEP UP TO DATE - Yes, it's time to byte the bullet and install those updates, especially on iOS and Apps!
Software updates offer plenty of benefits. It’s all about revisions. These might include repairing security holes that have been discovered and fixing or removing computer bugs. Updates can add new features to your devices and can remove outdated ones.
BONUS: While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to make sure your operating system is running the latest version also.
Step 4.
DIGITAL HOUSEKEEPING - Storing things in "the cloud" help keep your computer clean.
Think... "what would Marie Kondo do with this digital disaster?" Check how much free space you have on your computer. If you have less than 20% free space, your computer could slow down. Delete old programs and files you don’t need or compress some of your files (especially large ones). If it doesn't "Spark Joy" delete or archive it to the cloud.
TIP: Save old pictures or videos to an external drive or use a cloud storage tool photos so you can remove them from your computer . This frees up a lot of memory space, which will also speed up your computer.
Step 5.
GETTING GEEKY - RAM is to blame! Depending on the device you may be able to easily upgrade it.
Many of the solutions above have actually been about the way to mange RAM and it's performance. RAM is used to make your computer quicker, so if your computer is running slowly consider that if your computer is getting old that a less expensive alternative to replacing it might be just adding additional RAM.
Tip: If you want to check whether your Apple device can be upgraded with more ram or not check here for more info.